Golden Asshole Legacy - Eerie Materials/Staalplaat
Thee Digital As Drug (2003)
First (?) release of the Eerie Material Label, where we can get Eps by some plunderphonic's masters(Stock, Hausen and Walkman, Negativland, Evolution Control Committee...) You can get some of these little gems on the sector 2814 !
Notes: Participants in this manifestation of Kingdom Scum were : Queen Tristana, Adrienne Angst, Karin Hex, Mattias Lager (The Human Buddhist Beatbox), and France Simmons. All on voice.
Dr Drule and Stevie Van Allen programmed and guitarred.
The Abyss and Minister of Havoc engineered high performance guts and groove.
Reverend Birdshit and DJ Strict-9 composed some noise bites.
Apuro, Sun of the Vermin Wind engaged in nearly all aspects of output
More info about the band : lostfrog.net
1 - Rearrange Your Faith
2 - The Coming Of The Scum
3 - Perpetually Waking Up
4 - I Want To Irritate You
5 - Storm Inside My Veins
6 - My Degeneration
7 - White Pain
8 - Ensamhället
9 - Articulate Your Screams
10 - Holy Jihad, Batman!
11 - Untitled
12 - Rock'N'Roll: Bullshit
13 - Bring The Toys
14 - Rabid Serenity
15 - Untitled
16 - The Construction Of Invulnerability
17 - Before Words
18 - Johnny Can't Fuck
19 - My Vagina
20 - Claw
21 - Untitled
kingdom scum + thee digital as drug (w/pics) ZIP/MF

5 commentaires:
hum ça a l'air bien il faudrais que j'écoute les autres staalplaat....
tu peux tu peux... c'est surtout les autres "eerie material" qu'il faut écouter !
please reupload
File not available .... what's up with that?
kingdom scum - god eat god
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