Aaron Seeman, aka DuckMandu, plays accordion in a very personal manner. Tribute to the Dead Kennedys, this LP also covered Devo or the powerPuff Girls' theme !
Dead Kennedys' bassist Klaus Flouride sings backing vocals on several tracks...

fresh duck (RS)
1 Also Sprach Zarathustra (Richard Strauss)
2 Kill The Poor (Dead Kennedys)
3 Forward To Death (Dead Kennedys)
4 When Ya Get Drafted (Dead Kennedys)
5 Let's Lynch The Landlord (Dead Kennedys)
6 Drug Me (Dead Kennedys)
7 Your Emotions (Dead Kennedys)
8 Chemical Warfare (Dead Kennedys)
9 California Über Alles (Dead Kennedys)
10 I Kill Children (Dead Kennedys)
11 Stealing Peoples' Mail (Dead Kennedys)
12 Funland At The Beach (Dead Kennedys)
13 I'll In The Head (Dead Kennedys)
14 Holiday In Cambodia (Dead Kennedys)
15 Jesus And Tequila (Minutemen)
16 Commuter Man (D.R.I.
17 Police Story (Black Flag)
18 Uninspired (Aaron Seeman)
19 Girl U Want (Devo)
20 Moon Over Marin (Jello Biafra)
21 Polka Sprach Zarathustra (0:29)
22 - 32 Untitled
3 commentaires:
discovered your blog as you posted the great Bipp & IVG compilations & then found that you lent the link to Duckmandu.
if you like DUCKMANDU you might also like my Comp of unusual Punk-Covers, which includes the obvious (Nouvelle Vague - Holiday in Cambodia, Calexico - Guns of Brixton, Lemonheads - Skulls) as well as some lesser known stuff as the long forgotten piano vesion of Holiday in Cambodia by DJ Lebowitz or a german shanty version of I believe in miracles ... try it here:
have fun & keep on keepin´ on
just 1 word: GREAT!!! your blog as well as the music you present . .
thank you for the rotting duck - inbelievable.
may your day be sunny: Bill.Bo
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