Pieces taken from concert in Paris, 7 January 1977. Played by Martine Joste, Sylvaine Billier, Jean-François Heisser, Jean Koerner, Jacques Wiederker. Tape recorded by Radio France.
Ivan Wyschnegradsky (en russe : Иван Вышнеградский) est un compositeur français d'origine russe né en 1893 à Saint-Pétersbourg, mort en septembre 1979 à Paris et connu essentiellement par ses recherches sur les micro-intervalles et l'emploi des quarts, sixièmes et douzièmes de tons, visant à la création d'un « continuum sonore », l'ultrachromatisme rythmique, la tentative de trouver une correspondance avec les couleurs... (d'après wikipedia)
Ivan Wyschnegradsky (also transliterated as Vïshnegradsky, Wyshnegradsky, Wischnegradsky, Vishnegradsky, or Wishnegradsky) was a Russian composer primarily known for his microtonal compositions, including the quarter tone scale, though he used scales of up to 72 divisions (mainly third, sixth and twelfth of tone). More information about him here.
1 - Préludes Dans Tous Les Tons De L'Échelle Chromatique Diatonisée À 13 Sons, Opus 22 (1934) - For two pianos
2 - Prélude Et Étude, Opus 48 (1966) for the 1/3 tone piano constructed by Julian Carillo
3 - Étude Sur Les Mouvements Rotatoires, Opus 45 (1961) for two pianos using 4 hands
4 - Méditation Sur Deux Thèmes De La Journée De L'Existence, Opus 7 (1958) for cello and piano
5 - Étude Sur Le Carré Magique Sonore, Opus 40 (1956) for piano solo
6 - Prélude Et Fugue, Opus 21 (1934) For two pianos
7 - Troisième Fragment Symphonique (1946) For four pianos
8 - Auszüge Aus Gesprächen Zwischen Ivan Wyschnegradsky Und Robert Pfeiffer Mit Musikbeispielen (1977) 29 min french interview
Beautiful pieces ripped by Rain : WYSCHNEGRADSKY (RS/ZIP)

7 commentaires:
So pleased to hear these. The Wyschnegradsky pieces on the Hat Art cd (2007 or 08, along with Ives pieces) were one of my favaorite discoveries of recent years.
you can still buy this double lp at ursula blocks fantastic shop / gallery (gelbe musik / schaperstr. 11 / 10719 berlin / germany). I bought my copy just three weeks ago (21 euros). I'd recommend to do so since edition block and similar small labels really depend on sales to survive.
-sto, you're right. We have to support small labels but I want to promote oscure and hard-to-find artists too. So, as all my visitors don't live in Berlin (and as I don't find on the net any webstore to buy it) the link remains. But thanks to talk me about "gelb musik" : if I go to Berlin, I should visit them !
well, I don't live in berlin either but it is possible to get in touch the old way (i.e. snail mail) :-) or use the telephone (the number is on the web somewhere). in my eyes it's worth it since "rarity" prices for this double lp are around 100 eur. and yes, "gelbe musik" is definitely worth a visit.
A fantastic discovery. I liked the music immediately, here's an original at work.
I've been looking for this music very a long time...(over 20 years!).
Thank you!
you're welcome !
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