Can you now remove this title from your blog. I really wanted to release a 2nd edition of Detoni's music, but this kind of activity is making it pointless as I am losing money.
Clive Graham (Paradigm Discs)
So, after 88 downloads.
Please, people, buy the CD when it will be re-released !
6 commentaires:
fabuleux concert de rainier avec dreamachines, dans une salle cubiste dessinée par Arp, le we dernier à strasbourg!!
je tenais a le remercier pour ça, et vous deux pour ce site excellent, le meilleur d'esprit français exp.
un peu plus de sa musique ici, serait très appréciée..(est-ce que ce concert "sortira"?)
en tous cas stapleton a cas bien se tenir!warf warf!
merci pour toutes ces louanges, j'ai relayé le mesage à l'intéressé.
Greetings from Canada. Many thanks for this Dubravko Detoni post. I bought his 'Prospective 21e Siecle' LP soon after it came out. It is a masterpiece in my opinion and though I have searched for years I have never come across any other recordings of his music. I look forward to listening to this. Again, many thanks for this posting and your wonderful site!
Thanks Brian :)
Can you now remove this title from your blog. I really wanted to release a 2nd edition of Detoni's music, but this kind of activity is making it pointless as I am losing money.
Clive Graham (Paradigm Discs)
My name is S. G. Osejavin, I'm from Croatia. I recently saw Cronenberg's "Shivers" and was quite surprised by it's soundtrack: attributed to a guy named Fred Molin, it is actually (for the most part of the film) a shameless use of substantial portions of brilliant Dubravko Detoni's composition "Likovi i plohe" ("Figures and planes") from 1967. without any mention of it in the credits.
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