L'association nantaise MIRE propose avec l'association nantaise CABLE d'organiser le vendredi 30 mai une soirée mythique intitulée "WW". Warhol/Whitehouse.
A 20h : MIRE projettera sur deux ecrans "Chelsea Girls" d'Andy Warhol.
A 23h : Whitehouse commettra son dernier "live action" si l'on en croit Willy Bennett
It's with a rather heavy heart that I write to announce that the forthcoming dates in the UK this spring culminating with the May 30th concert in Nantes, will be the last that Philip and I do together. It's totally amicable and I have plenty of ideas and new plans for music and beyond, and PB will continue to do Consumer Electronics.

plus d'infos : cable nantes
potlatch2008 MIRE
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