Another eastern estimated figure of the Modern Composition : Peter Eötvös is an Hungarian composer and conductor. Born 1944, he studied composition in Köln with Bernd Alois Zimmermann. He was a member of the Stockhausen Ensemble (1958-76) and one of the favorite players and conductor of the Master (he directed the creation of Donnerstag aus Licht). In 1978, Pierre Boulez called him to become the musical director of the Ensemble InterContemporain (until 1991) and he became an acclaimed conductor. This record is the first compositions for electronics, sound manipulation and instruments (Bass Drum, English Horn, Flute, Harmonium and Tuba).
A1 Tücsökzene (Cricket Music)
Szél Szekvenciái (Sequences Of The Wind)
A2 Szélcsend I. (Still Wind)
A3 A Hajnali Szél Szekvenciája (Sequence Of The Morning Breeze)
A4 Szélcsend II. (Still Wind II.)
A5 A Böjti Szél Szekvenciája (Sequence Of The Thawing Wind)
A6 A Hegyi Szél Három Szekvenciája (Three Sequences Of The Mountain Wind)
B1 A Tengeri Szél Négy Szekvenciája (Four Sequences Of The Sea Wind)
B2 A Forgószél Hét Szekvenciája (Seven Sequences Of The Whirlwind)
B3 Szélcsend III. (Still Wind III.)
Ripped by HO-HO-HO HOP : 320/RAR/RS
1 commentaire:
The music deserved a stereo rip, instead of this mono reduction. Am I the only one to hear the difference between mono and stereo?
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