
[alice news] Fabrice Cotinat in ROVEN #6 + CALL FOR VIDEO PROJECT

French artist Fabrice Cotinat, member of La galerie du cartable and Châteauroux_Underground activist, have a complete review about his drawings devices (archeiropoietographe, confusion and more) by Maëlle Dault, in the french art magazine ROVEN n°6.

You can buy the mag here : presses du réel (18 €)

Fabrice Cotinat, with art critic & teacher Corinne Domer, artsits Alain Doret and Marie-Jeanne Hoffner, had just created an association called 'Ana D's Collection' which is dealing with the moving image in its relationship with architecture.

"For our first call for videos, we wish to ask you to help us to launch 'La collection d’Ana.D.' in setting up the basis of our project :
We think your work may have some link to this specific subject or that you may be able to pass the information to someone who would be interested.
Once this first edition is created, we will then be able to actually set up the diffusion process and meetings we wish to organize around this video library.
You can mail us at
collectionanad[at]gmail[dot]com for the details of the project and the application process (in french/english).
Deadline is the 31st of January 2012. We will then select the videos mid february."

Please do not hesitate to contact them for further questions.

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