Et pour faire passer ce douloureux moment, rien de tel qu'une petite rareté de cassette rippée par Rain !
La bande est un peu abîmée, ça s'entend sur les deux faces. Mais c'est aussi le plaisir de la cassette ! Profitez-en.
>The tape is a little damaged, it can be heard on the two sides. But it's also the pleasure of the cassette ! Enjoy.
Side A
Hillcrest Club - Breakfast At Christmas
Antena - Noel A Hawaii
The French Impressionists - Santa Baby
The Pale Fountains - Benoit's Christmas
Winston Tong (Tuxedomoon) - The Twelve Days Of Xmas
Mikado - Message De Noel
Side B
Aztec Camera - Hot Club Of Christ
The Names - Tokyo Twilight
Paul Haig - Christiana
Durutti Column - One Christmas For Your Thoughts
Tuxedomoon - Weihnachts Rap
Cabaret Voltaire - Invocation
Mania D - Stille Nacht Goes Disco (Beate Bartel, Bettina Köster, Eva-Maria Gößling, Gudrun Gut from early Neubauten and Malaria !)
Ripped by Rain, one track by side, 320/RAR/RS.

6 commentaires:
Merry Xmas to you too. Funnily enough, I also posted this compilation (actually the 1988 remake) in my own blog. Nice one!
Joyeux Noël & merci pour cette k7... à propos du morceau de Mania D >>> http://www.discogs.com/Tabea-Blumenschein--Frieder-Butzmann--Gudrun-Gut--Bettina-K%C3%B6ster-White-Christmas/release/1107635
Interesting lineup of bands...
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