Châteauroux is a little city in central France. Inside the walls of this lost and charmless town grew up since the seventees a generation of outsiders who became influential artists in the french scene : well-known artists Richard Fauguet & Michel Aubry, art curator Nathalie Viot, fine arts school director Vincent-Emmanuel Guitter, choregraph Emmanuelle Huynh could be seen as the first wave... They supported the new wave of castelrussians's creative forces like David Sanson (aka That Summer & Redactor-in-chief of the contemporary art/theatre/dance/music magazine Mouvement ), Rainier Lericolais or la galerie du cartable.
This Spring, differents Paris Art Centers welcomes some of them :
Rainier Lericolais at Frank Elbaz Gallery March 14th - May 9th, 2009
Marie-Jeanne Hoffner (not a native but a based one) at Point Ephemere March 7th - April 1st, 2009
Richard Fauguet at Le Plateau/FRAC Ile de France June 4th – August 9th, 2009

2 commentaires:
Too Cool!
Et la performance; le cartable dans la capitale vs la capitale dans le cartable...c'est pour quand?
Chateauroux is not dead !!!
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