Andrew Liles est un musicien prolifique qui aligne de nombreuses collaborations, notamment avec Nurse With Wound. On l'a d'ailleurs vu au concert du Trabendo en juin dernier. Il est revenu à Paris le 27 Octobre, pour un concert aux Voûtes sous son propre nom, mais en compagnie de Jac Berrocal, autre dangereux énergumène qui a travaillé avec Stapleton et légende vivante (et alcoolisée) de la scène Underground française.
Andrew Liles sort actuellement une série de 12 albums intitulée The Vortex Vault sur le label Beta-Lactam Ring Records (Nurse With Wound, Edward Ka-Spel/Legendary Pink Dots, Volcano the Bear, Coil, Current 93...). [Update/à la demande du cuisinier, je retire le lien de son blog, ainsi que ses commentaires.]
Continuo, in his blog, said :
Now a permanent member of the Nurse With Wound posse, Andrew Liles has gained quite a reputation with a series of records, recently on Beta Lactam, operating on the margins of crepuscular, decadent song and gloomy electronic sounds.
This engaging performance was elaborated with short instrumental sequences made of 2 or 3 sound samples at a time, with additional live electronic treatments, and prominent use of treated and looped voice samples, the latter quite unsettling at times.
Legendary french musician Jac Berrocal – famous for his 1977 LP ‘Parallèles’ featuring the song ‘Rock’n Roll Station’, his band Penetration live CD on Hat Hut, as well as his different appearances on Steven Stapleton’s records – joined at the end of the concert. I don’t know what was the plan if ever there was one, but Liles was decidedly in a ‘Jack’s Bicycle’ mood, to which Berrocal failed to respond, for some reason. His trumpet meandered from shard of sound to the next, in a quite far out free jazz vein. He brought some wilderness to the very controlled dish Liles had been delivering previously.
A technical note: this was recorded with a MiniDisc from the audience. The beginning should be listened to at a low level, since things get pretty loud later, especially at 10:57, the loudest part on my recording. Nonetheless, it deserves to be listened to at high volume, according to your amp’s capacities. A trully kicking ass performance.
Pour avoir une idée du concert parisien de Liles, c'est ici / For listening to the concert of Liles in Paris click here : Andrew Liles, live Paris Oct27th, 2007 [RS]
01 Part I 29:16
02 Part II (w/ guest Jac Berrocal) 10:16
Andrew Liles: electronics & bowed table top guitar
Jac Berrocal: trumpet and voice
Merci à/thanks to Continuo
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