Voila le lien/Here comes the link : http://www.zanorg.com/nicoshark/
Frantico est le pseudonyme de Lewis Trondheim, talent essentiel de la BD française (à l'instar de ses ex-camarades de l'Association : JC Menu, Killofer, David B., Marjane Satrapi, Joann Sfar, etc.).
Frantico is the pseudonyme of french talentuous cartoonist Lewis Trondheim, former member of "L'Association" aside JC Menu, Killofer, David B., Marjane Satrapi or Joann Sfar.
Le lendemain du second tour de l'execution - oups - l'élection présidentielle, il crée le blog "Nico Shark", vite abandonnée, malgré son succès, pour cause d'attaques pirates. Ne subsiste qu'un jeu idiot, le Nicoprout, que je vous laisse savourer.
The following day of the second turn of the presidential execution - oups - election, he creates the "Nico Shark" blog, but he quickly gave up, despite the success, due to hackers attacks. Remain only one silly play, Nicoprout : click the link and follow the instructions : you have to write the "fart" word on your keyboard to make Nico run ! Enjoy ! And beware of the smells !
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