I don't know what happens on the MY WIFE OF SENNACHERIB IS RADIOSICK QUEEN blog, one of the very good purveyor of weirdo muzik on the net. But thanks to Awa Loizeaux Zag who goes on with Musilix Ovoid Rent.
One regret : the megaupload choice for sharing...
update (25/09/2007) : Few days after this post, the Musilix Blog closed... If anyone know what is the troubel, please tell me ! Perhaps Awa Loizeaux can say something ?
4 commentaires:
Tout sauf Rapidshare !
Tout sauf Megaupload ! Une vraie shit (un téléchargement par jour possible, deux au maximum !).
The change from music to advertising in the My Wife of Sennacherib Is Radiosick Queen was VERY confusing.
Exactly ! and I'm still waiting to the awa loizeau's answer...
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