First album of this seminal post-punk/cold wave french duo : astonishing Mona Soyoc (vocals/guitar) and awful 80's haircut Spatsz (electronics).
SPATSZ, né à Nancy. A quitté son job d'infirmier psychiatrique en 1978 pour se consacrer aux synthétiseurs et aux boites à rythmes.
MONA SOYOC (guitare, piano, vocaux), née à Stamford, Connecticut (USA), d’origine argentine. En janvier 80, ils fondent KaS PRODUCT et travaillent sur leurs propres compositions. Ils enregistrent deux EP et en mars 81, Marquis de Sade invite KaS PRODUCT a faire la première partie de sa tournée française. [frenchnew-wave.com]
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A synth-based duo from Nancy, France, KaS Product — Mona Soyoc (vocals/guitar) and Spatsz (electronics) — was very much in the Suicide/early Soft Cell mode, although that comparison is rather generous, quality-wise. Spatsz takes care of the musical details with derivate dispatch, while Soyoc — who lacks real vocal skills — sings unaccented English with self-important theatrical ambition on "Try Out", whose highlight is the jazzy "No Shame." (The crude "Never Come Back," which rhymes "back" and "twat," is the album's easy low point.) [Ira Robbins/David Sheridan]
1 commentaire:
haha, Never Come Back is my favorite song of theirs//one of my favorite songs ever
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