William Bennett is a dirty asshole. But his Susan Lawly label publishes very good fucking extreme shit. And pretty disgusting brillant artwork by Trevor Brown (look at the Trevor Brown Website !).
William Bennett est un gros salopard. Mais sur son label Susan Lawly, il a publié presque ce qu'il y a de mieux et de plus extrême dans la musique dite noise. Sans parler des immondes mais splendides pochettes de Trevor Brown (jetez un coup d'oeil sur son site !).
Thanks to the friend from Argentina who post this on the comments !
Merci à l'ami d'Argentine qui a posté ce lien dans les commentaires !
Extreme Music from Africa (Susan Lawly, 2001)[track 1 to 8] - RS
3 commentaires:
And you're a dirty fucked asshole for postng such lame fuckng crap. Oooooohhhh so offensive, so scary, so uttelry mistantrhoic aren't you cool? Quit doing your mom and move out of her basement and get a place of your own you patehtic piece of used bathroom trash.
And you ? what (and who) are you ? If you don't like, get away ! Very nice and very courageous to post a piece of shit like this, dear "anonymous".
Eat my liquid shit and piss off, bastard.
Ah ignore the trolls, you are dead on about Mr. Bennett, he is a grotesque person but has a fine (albeit disturbed) ear. Thanks for the good work comrade.
Cioran Sellars
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