Rainier's new sound project "Bruit de fonds" for The LaM Museum (Lille's Museum of Modern Art, Contemporary Art & Art Brut) is waiting for your contributions, dear followers !
Go to the website : http://lericolais.musee-lam.fr/, listen to the Rainier's songs, download, remix and subject your propositions by e-mail to lericolais/at/musee-lam.fr or by uploading directly your production via the comment of the remixed work.
>>Si vous souhaitez contribuer au projet de Rainier Lericolais pour le LaM (Musée d'Art moderne de Lille, récemment rouvert après quelques années de fermeture pour travaux), téléchargez le(s) morceau(x) proposé(s) , remixez le(s) et soumettez votre proposition par mail à : lericolais@musee-lam.fr ou bien en téléchargeant directement votre production via le commentaire de l’œuvre remixée.<<
"Rainier Lericolais decided to monitor the life of the museum when it was closed, drawing his inspiration from the nature of the collections, as well as its scientific and cultural project. However, what he has produced is not a literal illustration of the collections of the LaM using sound or music, but rather an offbeat exploration based on the theme of background noise.
Stopping at certain works in the course of the conversation and interviews, Rainier Lericolais tackles them by drawing on his data bank of sounds: fragments of voice, bits of overheard conversations, audio “cut-outs” in the sound texture of a place or a piece of music. The artist intends to produce an album consisting of twelve tracks of sounds that can be downloaded or
podcast from the museum’s website. Like an audio CD, this album will provide a metaphorical, sentimental and non-narrative commentary, in the form of an “audio stroll” around the collections in the months before the reopening of the LaM."
Lam's presentation PDF